Lifestyle & Health Coaching
Children & Adults
Welcome to our tribe, where we help you and not just survive!
Our comprehensive lifestyle coaching programs are designed for patients (both children and adults) suffering from autoimmune disease or chronic symptoms affecting their quality of life.
Our team, led by a pediatric rheumatologist with Rheumatoid Arthritis, will take you by the hand and guide you through a journey that reduces suffering AND takes you from overwhelmed, frustrated, and alone to educated, empowered and confident.
We help you find relief from symptoms such as: ​
Chronic Pain
Poor Sleep
Mental Fog
Joint Pain
Weight Gain
Joint stiffness
Muscle pain
Low Endurance
​Reduced Flexibility
Our Unique Approach to Your
The mission of our lifestyle coaching programs is to guide each patient towards their health transformation and live a life filled with connection, joy, and purpose.
Our unique methodology applies a systematic approach that incorporates three critical elements to help you transform physically, mentally, and emotionally.​​​​​​​
The 3 Elements
The Pillars
Our methodology encompasses 4 fundamental pillars: “Detox,” Nutrition, Movement, and Sleep.
The word “Detox” is in quotations because there are no cleanses or colonics here. It refers to the idea of removing the junk from your life that prevents you from performing and feeling your best. We help you take inventory of all aspects of your life from the food you eat, the people you surround yourself with, and your day-to-day environment.
Each pillar is an important component in our comprehensive process, but the specific order and breakdown is tailored to each individual’s unique needs.
At the heart of our approach is education using an online curriculum that helps you get empowered and eliminate the overwhelm often created by too much information (thank you, Dr. Google).
Our culture of education, whether it’s about the immune system, nutrition, or various breathwork techniques, is to provide you with the knowledge needed to achieve health independence and proactively navigate your health.
Our team's continuous coaching and mentorship is a crucial ingredient to your health transformation.
We help you identify roadblocks, strategize with you, hold you accountable, and celebrate your victories!
Engagement in between appointments are key to our approach, fostering empowerment and a deeper understanding of your health journey.
The Path to Your Health
Step 1
15-min Complimentary Discovery Call
The first step starts with a simple discussion to see if a program like this would be a good fit for you.
Purpose: During this free discovery call, we aim to understand you better by discussing your health concerns, experiences, and goals.
What to Expect: A 15-20 minute personalized discussion with Dr. Singla to determine if a Complete Wellness Evaluation (Step 2) aligns with your needs.
Step 2
Compete Wellness Evaluation​
Take the next step towards your wellness journey.
Purpose: In this one-on-one wellness evaluation, you’ll meet with Dr. Singla and dive deep into your current health situation.
What to Expect: A virtual (or in-person) 60-minute evaluation to understand your symptoms and health goals. If we agree to work together, we formulate a plan of action and kickstart your health journey.
Step 3
Let the Journey Begin! ​​
Your path to relief and wellness commences on the day of your initial evaluation.
Purpose: You’ll receive a step-by-step plan, undergo comprehensive labs, access educational resources, and receive coaching tailored to your unique goals.
What to Expect: No matter the duration of your program, our team engages you at every step, ensuring your active involvement towards optimal health. Our hands-on approach has a proven track record!