What Is
Direct/Concierge Care?
Getting Back to Patient-Centric Care by Saying No to the Status-Quo
Unlike a traditional doctor's office, a concierge or direct-care medical practice does not accept or participate in insurance plans. Why?
Because remaining out-of-network allows us to swap high patient volumes & lower quality care for lower patient volumes & higher quality care. With a smaller volume, we are able to give our undivided attention to each patient and not be restricted by time limits placed on doctors by insurance companies. At Rheum to Grow, we cut out the middleman to focus on you.
The current insurance-based medical model of rapid-fire visits and quick fixes doesn't work well for patients with chronic disease. These illnesses require:
Detailed review of all symptoms (i.e. long list of questions)
Detailed review of all medication/herb/supplement interactions
Coordination of care with other specialists
Time spent on education/planning for pediatric to adult transition
Dedicated time to focus on preventative/long-term (not just sick) care
Ready for a Different Healthcare
How Does Payment Work with Concierge/Direct Care?
Because we are out-of-network with all insurance companies, this means full payment is due at the time of the visit. We do not accept copays or insurance reimbursements. If you have out-of-network insurance benefits, you can submit a receipt (called a superbill) and your insurance may reimburse part or all of the visit. Our office can help give you the information needed for this process. We also work with you to offer payment plans.
​By removing the interference of insurance from the patient-doctor relationship, we offer:
Minimal to zero waiting time
Longer visits
No co-pays
No surprise bills
Deeply discounted lab tests (if desired, otherwise we bill your insurance for the labs)
Can I Use My Insurance for Labs, Imaging, and Medications?
Yes! You can use your insurance for the above like you normally do. You also have the option to use the deeply discounted cash prices that we have negotiated with Quest.
We created this alternative so our patients can choose the most cost-effective option.
How Is Rheum to Grow Different?

Other Practices
Extended patient visits
After-Hours Access to your Physician (no mid-levels)
Urgent Telehealth visits from any location
Minimal to No Wait Times to be seen by sub-specialist
No copays, deductibles, or co-insurance
Smaller sized practice with a limited panel of patients to allow personalized care.
Larger sized practice in a larger office setting, multiple practitioners, and staff members
Care is directed by insurance companies including need for referral or prior authorization to see specialist
More time spent in the waiting room than with the doctor
Focus on preventative care in the setting of chronic illness
Production oriented: practice is reimbursed based on number of patients seen, time per patient visit is limited.
Pediatric rheumatologist with extra 2-year fellowship in integrative medicine
Doctor with more time to coordinate care with your child’s providers/specialists and school nurse/administrators.